Posts in Book Review
Why You Should Be a Trade Unionist - Len McCluskey
The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World - Benjamin Bratton
The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality - Bhaskar Sunkara
Futures of Socialism: The Pandemic and the Post-Corbyn Era - edited by Grace Blakeley
Freedom: An Unruly History - Annelien de Dijn
Marx, Capital, and the Madness of Economic Reason - David Harvey
The Edge of the World: A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe - Michael Pye
Pandemic! 2: Chronicles of a Time Lost - Slavoj Zizek
A People’s Guide to Capitalism: An Introduction to Marxist Economics - Hadas Thier
Necropolitics - Achille Mbembe
Wrap Me in Trees - T. Kenny
Critique of Black Reason - Achille Mbembe
Darkly: Black History and America’s Gothic Soul - Leila Taylor
Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life - Karen E. Fields and Barbara J. Fields
An Event, Perhaps: A Biography of Jacques Derrida - Peter Salmon
On Religion (Second Edition) - John Caputo
Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism - Quinn Slobodian
Hegel in a Wired Brain - Slavoj Zizek
On Not Being Someone Else: Tales of Our Unled Lives - Andrew H. Miller