Why You Should Be a Trade Unionist - Len McCluskey
Book ReviewJustin DavisWhy You Should Be a Trade Unionist Len McCluskey book review, Why You Should Be a Trade Unionist Len McCluskey book, Why You Should Be a Trade Unionist Len McCluskey review, Why You Should Be a Trade Unionist Len McCluskey, Why You Should Be a Trade Unionist book review, Why You Should Be a Trade Unionist review, Why You Should Be a Trade Unionist book, Why You Should Be a Trade Unionist, trade unions, trade union, Unite the Union, Len McCluskey book, British history, British Leftists, British trade unions, UK unions, UK Leftists, UK trade unions, UK history, workers rights, economic justice, collective bargaining, Unite the Union Len McCluskey, working class interests, labor unions, British labor unions, collective action
The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World - Benjamin Bratton
Book ReviewJustin DavisThe Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World Benjamin Bratton book review, The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World Benjamin Bratton book, The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World Benjamin Bratton review, The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World Benjamin Bratton, The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World, The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World book review, The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World book, The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World review, The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World book, The Revenge of the Real book review, The Revenge of the Real book, The Revenge of the Real review, The Revenge of the Real Benjamin Bratton review, The Revenge of the Real Bratton review, politics, biopower, biopolitics, technology, technocratic, post-pandemic politics, post-pandemic, The Revenge of the Real, sensing layers, Agamben, critique of Agamben, Foucault, critique of Foucault, mass surveillance, surveillance, pandemic, pandemic politics, contact tracing, epidemiology, epidemic, coronavirus epidemic, epidemiological view of society., responses to pandemic, geopolitics, future of geopolitics, planetary politics, ethics of the object
The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality - Bhaskar Sunkara
Book ReviewJustin DavisThe Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality Bhaskar Sunkara review, The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality Bhaskar Sunkara book review, The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality Bhaskar Sunkara, The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality Sunkara, The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality book review, The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality review, The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality book, The Socialist Manifesto Bhaskar Sunkara book review, The Socialist Manifesto Bhaskar Sunkara review, The Socialist Manifesto Sunkara book review, The Socialist Manifesto Bhaskar Sunkara, The Socialist Manifesto Bhaskar Sunkara book, The Socialist Manifesto book review, The Socialist Manifesto Sunkara, The Socialist Manifesto Sunkara book, The Socialist Manifesto review, socialism, socialist, democratic socialism, social democracy, history of socialism, history of communism, Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn, Jacobin, Bhaskar Sunkara Jacobin, young socialists, socialism in the United States, Millenial socialists, Gen Z socialism
Futures of Socialism: The Pandemic and the Post-Corbyn Era - edited by Grace Blakeley
Book ReviewJustin DavisFutures of Socialism: The Pandemic and the Post-Corbyn Era Grace Blakeley review, Futures of Socialism: The Pandemic and the Post-Corbyn Era Grace Blakeley, Futures of Socialism: The Pandemic and the Post-Corbyn Era review, Futures of Socialism: The Pandemic and the Post-Corbyn Era, Futures of Socialism review, Futures of Socialism Grace Blakeley review, Futures of Socialism Grace Blakeley, Futures of Socialism, Futures of Socialism: The Pandemic and the Post-Corbyn Era Verso, Futures of Socialism Grace Blakeley Verso, Futures of Socialism Verso, Jeremy Corbyn, Corbyn, Bernie Sanders, Sanders campaign, Sanders campaign end, Corbyn defeat, Corbyn 2019, Labour 2019 defeat, Labour 2019, British 2019 election, UK 2019 election, Grace Blakeley, British socialists, British Leftists, Leftist essays, UK Leftists, Futures of Socialism book review, Futures of Socialism Grace Blakeley book review, hope for Leftists
Freedom: An Unruly History - Annelien de Dijn
Book ReviewJustin DavisFreedom: An Unruly History Annelien de Dijn review, Freedom: An Unruly History Annelien de Dijn, Freedom: An Unruly History review, Freedom Annelien de Dijn review, Freedom Annelien de Dijn, Freedom de Dijn review, Freedom de Dijn, Freedom book review, Freedom an unruly history book, Freedom an unruly history, Freedom an Unruly History review, Freedom, history of freedom, intellectual history, Western history, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, freedom in ancient greece, freedom in ancient athens, freedom in roman republic, freedom in roman empire, freedom renaissance, freedom revolution, Atlantic Revolutions, foundations of modern freedom, positive freedom vs negative freedom, positive freedom, negative freedom, liberty, liberty and freedom, libery and democracy, radical democracy, democracy, what is democracy, what is freedom, democracy and freedom, French Revolution, freedom in art, liberty and democracy, democracy and liberty, ancient liberty, civil liberty, Harvard, Harvard Law School Library, Langdell Hall
Marx, Capital, and the Madness of Economic Reason - David Harvey
Book ReviewJustin DavisMarx, Capital, and the Madness of Economic Reason David Harvey review, and the Madness of Economic Reason David Harvey, and the Madness of Economic Reason review, and the Madness of Economic Reason, Marxist, Marxism, Marxist economics, basics of Marxist economics, basics of Marxism, Marxism explained, Marx capitalism, Marxist critique of capitalism, what is marxism, Marxism basics, marx Kapital, Marx capital, money and marx, Marx value, Marx and money, commodity marx, Karl Marx, who is Marx?, who is marx, critique of Marx, David Harvey latest book, Marx economics, madness of economic reason, Marx Kapital summary, Marx Capital summary
The Edge of the World: A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe - Michael Pye
Book ReviewJustin DavisThe Edge of the World: A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe Michael Pye review, The Edge of the World: A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe Michael Pye, The Edge of the World: A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe, The Edge of the World: A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe review, The Edge of the World Michael Pye review, The Edge of the World review, Northern Sea, Vikings, Frisians, Britain, Scandinavian history, British history, Irish history, cultural history, Transformation of Europe, Middle Ages, Middle Ages history, Dutch history, Hanseatic League, European history, The Edge of the World, Northen European, Northern European history, trade North Sea, medieval, medieval history, medieval Germany, medieval Britain, medieval England, medieval Scandinavia
Pandemic! 2: Chronicles of a Time Lost - Slavoj Zizek
Book ReviewJustin DavisPandemic Zizek, Pandemic 2 Zizek, Pandemic Zizek review, Pandemic 2 Zizek review, Pandemic! Zizek review, Pandemic! 2 Zizek Review, Pandemic! 2 Zizek, Pandemic! 2: Chronicles of a Time Lost Slavoj Zizek review, Pandemic! 2: Chronicles of a Time Lost Slavoj Zizek, Pandemic 2 Chronicles of a Time Lost Zizek, Pandemic 2 Slavoj Zizek review, Zizek coronavirus, Zizek Covid 19, Zizek Covid, Zizek essays, Zizek Elon Musk, Zizek masks, Zizek racism, Zizek Leftist, Zizek politics, Zizek psychoanalysis, new Zizek book
Via Negativa - Daniel Hornsby
Book ReviewJustin DavisVia Negativa Daniel Hornsby review, Via Negativa review, Via Negativa Daniel Hornsby, Via Negativa novel, Via Negativa Hornsby, Via Negative novel review, Father Dan, Catholic novels, novel Catholicism, Catholic, Catholicism, pilgrimage, road trip, priest and coyote, debut nover, debut novel, new novel, contemporary Catholicism, Midwestern novel, theology and fiction
A People’s Guide to Capitalism: An Introduction to Marxist Economics - Hadas Thier
Book ReviewJustin DavisA People's Guide to Capitalism: An Introduction to Marxist Economics Hadas Thier review, A People's Guide to Capitalism: An Introduction to Marxist Economics Hadas Thier, A People's Guide to Capitalism: An Introduction to Marxist Economics review, A People's Guide to Capitalism: An Introduction to Marxist Economics, A People's Guide to Capitalism Hadas Thier review, A People's Guide to Capitalism Hadas Thier, A People's Guide to Capitalism review, A People's Guide to Capitalism, Marxism, Marxist, Marxist economics, critique of capitalism, Marxist critique of capitalism, labor, labor theory of value, basics of Marxism, Marxism explained, what is marxism, who is marx, who is Marx?, socialism, Marxism basics, basics of Marxist economics, money and marx, Marx and money, marx Kapital, Marx capitalism, Marx capital, Haymarket books capitalism, hadas thier capitalism, hadas thier, commodity marx, Marx value
Necropolitics - Achille Mbembe
Book ReviewJustin DavisNecropolitics, Necropolitics review, Necropolitics Achille Mbembe review, Necropolitics Achille Mbembe, Necropolitics Mbembe, war, racism, racism and inequality, colonialism, decolonial, decolonization, postcolonial, postcolonial theory, postcolonial studies, Achille Mbembe, Mbembe, technology, techno-capitalism, mass surveillance, necropolitics, liberal democracy, Foucalt, Foucault, Foucault and race, Fanon, Franz Fanon, Fanon and race, politics, political theory, political science, biopolitics, biopower, nanoracism, militarization, democracy and race, state power, death, Frantz Fanon, Fanon and politics
Wrap Me in Trees - T. Kenny
Book ReviewJustin DavisWrap Me in Trees, Wrap Me in Trees review, Wrap Me in Trees book, Wrap Me in Trees book review, Wrap Me in Trees book T Kenny, Wrap Me in Trees T Kenny, Wrap Me in Trees T Kenny book review, fiction, fiction book review, fiction about immigration, fiction books about immigration, fiction novels about immigration, novels about immigration, Nigeria fiction, Nigeria novel, novels set in Nigeria, novels set in Africa, books set in Africa, books set in Nigeria, T Kenny, new author, immigration and family, struggle immigration, immigration hardships, books about immigration
Critique of Black Reason - Achille Mbembe
Book ReviewJustin DavisCritique of Black Reason Achille Mbembe review, Critique of Black Reason Achille Mbembe, Critique of Black Reason Achille Mbembe review, Critique of Black Reason review, Critique of Black Reason, Achille Mbembe, race, postcolonial theory, postcolonial, postcolonial studies, African philosophy, South African apartheid, slavery, colonialism, decolonial, Blackness and identity, Blackness, Black America, black liberation, Black History, Black race, history of Blackness, history, sociology, philosophy of race, Black Reason, Black Consciousness, Pan-Africanism, Black discourses, Frantz Fanon, Fanon, Foucault, Foucault and race, Fanon and race, psychoanalysis and race, Amos Tutuola, Sony Labou Tansi, African literature, the Black Man is in effect the ghost of modernity, nocturnal economy, Aimé Césaire, emacipation, black emancipation, apartheid
Darkly: Black History and America’s Gothic Soul - Leila Taylor
Book ReviewJustin DavisDarkly Black History and America's Gothic Soul Leila Taylor review, Darkly Black History and America's Gothic Soul Leila Taylor, Darkly, Darkly Black History and America's Gothic Soul review, Darkly Leila Taylor review, Darkly book review, Darkly review, Black History, goth, gothic, gothic philosophy, black goth, black goths, AfroGoth, Afro Goth, Romanticism, Strange Fruit, Strange Fruit Billie Holiday, Strange Fruit gothic, Afro American history, Blackness and goth culture, goth culture, goth culture and race, race and goth culture, gothic and black, black gothic, slavery, American Gothic and race, gothic genre and race, Gothic Blackness, Gothic music, urban decay, urban decay critique, urban decay race, Blackness and identity, what is goth, are there any black goths, are goths white, gothic subculture, goth subculture, goth music, black goth music, goths, Black goth
Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life - Karen E. Fields and Barbara J. Fields
Book ReviewJustin DavisRacecraft review, Racecraft, Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life review, Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life, Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life Karen Barbara Fields, Racecraft Karen Barbara Fields review, Racecraft in America, race in america, racism, racism in america, history of racism, history of race, is race real?, sociology, history of racism american, history of race in america, history of racism in america, Durkheim and race, W.E.B. DuBois, witchcraft, witchcraft and race, race realism in America, bioracism, bioracism in america, racism creates race, racism is the father of race, Black America, black studies, race studies, segregation, segregation in America, race and inequality, racism and inquality, race and psychoanalysis, racial differences, invention of race, Black identity, racial identity, race and identity
An Event, Perhaps: A Biography of Jacques Derrida - Peter Salmon
Book ReviewJustin DavisAn Event, An Event Perhaps review, An Event Perhaps A Biography of Jacques Derrida Peter Salmon review, An Event Perhaps A Biography of Jacques Derrida review, An Event Perhaps Peter Salmon review, An Event Perhaps Peter Salmon, An Event Perhaps Derrida, And Event Perhaps Salmon, Derrida biography, Verso Derrida, Derrida Verso book, Biography of Derrida, deconstruction, On Grammatology, Althusser, Kristeva and Derrida, Derrida and Lacan, Derrida and Foucault, postmodernism, postmodern, postmodern philosophy, Derrida, Jacque Derrida, life of Derrida, Derrida life, Derrida philosophy, Derrida deconstruction, Derrida and language, Caputo and Derrida, deconstruction faith, deconstruction Christianity, what is deconstruction?, what is deconstruction, Jacque Derrida philosophy, Jacque Derrida deconstruction, Derrida hauntology, Derrida politics, Derrida ethics, Derrida theology, Derrida justice, intro to 20th century philosophy
On Religion (Second Edition) - John Caputo
Book ReviewJustin DavisOn Religion John Caputo review, On Religion second edition John Caputo review, On Religion second edition, On Religion second edition John Caputo, On Religion second edition Caputo, On Religion John Caputo, On Religion, radical theology, weak theology, nihilism of grace, Kierkegaard, Derrida, Caputo and Derrida, Tillich, parasitic theology, confessional theology vs radical theology, religion without religion, religionless religion, religious violence, the unconditional, the unconditional Caputo, religion, postmodern, postmodernism, postmodern religion, Christian theology, theology, Augustine, cosmotheology, salt and theology, God, name of God, love of God, justice, faith, salt and faith, theopoetics, Caputo theopoetics, limits of the possible, impossibility, deconstruction, deconstruction faith, Christian deconstruction, Derrida deconstruction, continental philosophy, Derrida and language, postmodern critique of religion, postmodern critique, philosophy of religion, history of philosophy, philosophy, religious studies, critique of religion, weak theology Caputo
Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism - Quinn Slobodian
Book ReviewJustin DavisGlobalists review, Globalists, Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism Quinn Slobodian review, Globalists Slobodian, Globalists Slobodian review, Globalists Quinn Slobodian review, Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism review, Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism Quinn Slobodian, neoliberalism, empire, end of empire, birth of neoliberalism, what is neoliberalism, Geneva School, Vienna, Geneva, Quinn Slobodian, Quinn Slobodian book, Harvard University Press, Hayek, Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, MPS, Mont Pèlerin Society, history of neoliberalism, history of economics, economic theory, GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, WTO, World Trade Organization, EU, European Union, colonialism, decolonization, post-war economics, statecraft, law, unknowable economy, encasing economy, policymaking, Hapsburg Empire, social injustice, Walter Lippmann Colloquium, IMF, International Monetary Fund, supranational organizations, imperium, dominium, South African apartheid, Central European economics, Wilhelm Röpke, world economy, Eurafrica, Haberler Report, Treaty of Rome, Red Vienna, 1927 Vienna riots, intellectual history of neoliberalism, global inequality, global economy, economic interdependence
Hegel in a Wired Brain - Slavoj Zizek
Book ReviewJustin DavisHegel in a Wired Brain review, Hegel in a Wired Brain, Hegel in a Wired Brain Zizek, Hegel in a Wired Brain Zizek review, Hegel in a Wired Brain Slavoj Zizek review, Hegel in a Wired Brain Slavoj Zizek, BMI, AI, neuroscience, neurotechnology, neuralink, Elon Musk Zizek, Elon Musk Neuralink, philosophy, Hegel, Hegel technology, Lacan, psychoanalysis, Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2077 Zizek, Zizek, Zizek book review, Zizek 2020 book, cybernetics, computer science, Singularity, Zizek singularity, Zizek technology, posthumanism, posthumanist, critique of posthumanism, digital apocalypse, theosis, neuroscience Zizek, Zizek Silicon Valley, Zizek new book review, Zizek new book, Slavoj Zizek
On Not Being Someone Else: Tales of Our Unled Lives - Andrew H. Miller
Book ReviewJustin DavisOn Not Being Someone Else: Tales of Our Unled Lives review, On Not Being Someone Else review, On Not Being Someone Else: Tales of Our Unled Lives, On Not Being Someone Else Andrew Miller, On Not Being Someone Else Andrew Miller review, Harvard University Press, unled lives, regret, relief, Woolf, Virginia Woolf, literature, literary theory, literary criticism, Hilary Mantel, Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken, A.R. Ammons, W.H. Audens, The God Who Loves You, Carl Dennis, Gwendolyn Brooks, Jane Austen, Ian McEwan, Atonement, Pieter Bruegel, Frank Capra, It's a Wonderful Life, Daniel Kahneman, Amos Tverksy, art and literature, modernism, modernist, YOLO, FOMO, anxiety, wrong decision, different path, meaningful choices