Darkly: Black History and America’s Gothic Soul - Leila Taylor
Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life - Karen E. Fields and Barbara J. Fields
An Event, Perhaps: A Biography of Jacques Derrida - Peter Salmon
On Religion (Second Edition) - John Caputo
Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism - Quinn Slobodian
Hegel in a Wired Brain - Slavoj Zizek
On Not Being Someone Else: Tales of Our Unled Lives - Andrew H. Miller
Tentacles Longer than Night: Horror of Philosophy Vol. III - Eugene Thacker
Making the Monster: The Science Behind Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein - Kathryn Harkup
Starry Speculative Corpse: Horror of Philosophy Vol. II - Eugene Thacker
In the Dust of this Planet: Horror of Philosophy, Vol I - Eugene Thacker
Death by Shakespeare: Snakebites, Stabbings and Broken Hearts - Kathryn Harkup
Emancipation After Hegel: Achieving a Contradictory Revolution - Todd McGowan
Periodic Tales: A Cultural History of the Elements, from Arsenic to Zinc - Hugh Aldersey-Williams
Capitalism, Alone: The Future of the System that Rules the World - Branko Milanovic
The Swerve: How the World Became Modern - Stephen Greenblatt
I Wrote This Book Because I Love You: Essays - Tim Kreider
Foretelling the End of Capitalism: Intellectual Misadventures since Karl Marx - Francesco Boldizzoni
A Left That Dares To Speak Its Name: 34 Untimely Interventions - Slavoj Zizek